The action was organized by the Mordovian Republican Patriotic Association "Poisk" and the civic and Patriotic Youth Center with the support of the State Committee for Youth Affairs of the Republic of Mordovia.
Andrey Shimkiv visited two rural educational institutions on the Day of Knowledge. He visited a school in the village of Stepnoy and an educational institution in the village of Preobrazhenka.
As part of the national project "Long and active life" in 2025, all citizens born in 1983, 1986, 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, 2004 In 2006 and 2007, they can undergo a free examination as part of the medical examination program.
As a result of the sale of Baltika's assets, the Danish Carlsberg Group received about $320 million. The transaction amount is equivalent to approximately 30 billion rubles.
The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation presented the results of an experiment on testing autonomous transport, which has been conducted since 2022.